Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Other Things

I've been meaning to post these for a while.

 The Gluten-Free Mac and Cheese I eat. We use Annie's Mac & Cheese and then add some Velveeta. My mom always makes it, though some day I'll have to do it myself.

This is my creation. I was watching Nadia G's Bitchin' Kitchen and she had some roasted tomatoes with her Filet Mignon. I've never been a tomato person, but for some reason I decided I had to try it. We picked up a thing of cherry tomatoes to use. I cut the tomatoes in half then use garlic powder, thyme powder, oregano, salt, pepper, and olive oil. The amount you use is up to you! It turned out pretty good here. The second time we did it, I added Chili Salt and I used the last of our Rosemary Oil (which of course now we can't find it anymore). It was perfect. I just love it. It's really good on chicken, beef, or even turkey!

I've changed the layout and made a new header. Not my best photoshop work, but I don't quite care. I'm just super excited for the new Hobbit movie!

Help me raise money please!

I reached 50,000 words for NaNoWriMo on the 16th. I'm not quite finished with the first draft, but I'm no longer focused on it, which is nice.

Now I am trying to work on my non-fiction book about royalty, If You're a Princess, Where's Your Crown? I've still got a lot to do, but it's coming together. I'm behind, but that's ok. I pushed the publish date to February 22nd, so I've got the time.

I did start an Indiegogo Campaign to help raise money so that I can purchase photos for my book. You can see it HERE. I can put all the information in my book, but the thing that really help this book come together and look awesome and be awesome is PHOTOS. I do not have anywhere near enough money to even purchase one photo, let alone a dozen. Any money I get will help make this book be the best it can be! So please, if you have some money to spare, help a girl out!

Back to writing.