April is Camp NaNoWriMo!
It's a bit different from NaNoWriMo in November, but still pretty similar.
I'm using this month to edit my book. My goal is 10,000 words since I'm only editing. If I average about 4,000 words a day I can hit my mark before the April 26th deadline for my alma mater's winter bulletin. By the time the bulletin comes out my book will have been self-published. I'd just at least liked to have finish editing it by then.
I'm going a bit slow, but yesterday I was sick and then I spent most of the day reading Beautiful Creatures, which is a really good book! I haven't sat down and read an entire book in a day in a long time.
So, now on to writing!
Hey, you're further along on your NaNo progress than I am. I only have 164 words and my goal is the standard 50K.