Wednesday, April 10, 2013

New Theme

Welcome to version 18 of my blog.

Everybody Wants You (Dead) is one of my favorite songs from The Agonist's newest album Prisoners.

Also Alissa White-Gluz is my hero.


Day 10

Today is day 10 of Camp NaNoWriMo.

I've gotten through the first 11 chapters. I've also cut down some of the future chapters, so now there's only 30 in total, so I only have 19 more to get through!

I go back to work on Monday and I'm trying to figure out how I can edit during my breaks. If I take my laptop, I'd have to leave the computer room every time I want to edit and that really isn't possible. (Confidentiality of the work is a huge issue, so we're not allowed to have electronics in the room near our work.)

Ideally I'd like to print out a chapter or two to take to work with me, but our printer ink is so hard to find and so expensive I don't want to waste my parents ink and I leave for work around 7am and the library isn't open at the time.

So it doesn't look like I'll be able to work on my stuff during work :( There's one reason to get an ipad or tablet or something.

Can you edit/write papers on a kindle fire or on a nook? probably not.

Not that it matters. I won't get my first paycheck until at least the 26th (then I have to mail it in to my bank so I won't have my money until like the 30th or first of may) and my first project ends on the 29th.

I can't wait to have money again. There's so much I need. I need bookshelves/some sort of shelving, frames, possibly a new dresser, a new desk. Plus concert tickets and of course I need to go visit my dear friend in Green Camp.

Alright, time to get back to editing.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Camp NaNoWriMo

April is Camp NaNoWriMo!

It's a bit different from NaNoWriMo in November, but still pretty similar.

I'm using this month to edit my book. My goal is 10,000 words since I'm only editing. If I average about 4,000 words a day I can hit my mark before the April 26th deadline for my alma mater's winter bulletin. By the time the bulletin comes out my book will have been self-published. I'd just at least liked to have finish editing it by then.

I'm going a bit slow, but yesterday I was sick and then I spent most of the day reading Beautiful Creatures, which is a really good book! I haven't sat down and read an entire book in a day in a long time.

So, now on to writing!